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After Your Procedure

After Your Procedure

Once the Prometra® drug delivery system has been implanted and is filled with medication, it will begin delivering pain medication to you.

Note that it may take time – up to a few weeks – before you see the potential benefits of drug delivery therapy. Your doctor may begin reducing or eliminating your other pain medications during this initial period and will give you instructions on how to care for the incisions after the surgery. It is also normal to feel some tenderness or discomfort around the pump and catheter right after the surgery; it is part of the usual healing process.

If you notice severe swelling, pain, or redness around the incisions, alert your doctor.

Your doctor may prescribe medication to ease the pain from the surgery. You may also be asked to wear an elastic binder around your abdomen for additional comfort as you heal.

In general, your doctor may recommend that you avoid strenuous activities such as lifting, bending and twisting until healing is complete.

Over time, any tenderness around the pump and catheter will subside, and you will become less aware of the system itself. Once healed, the surgical sites need no special care.

Important: If you need an MRI:

In the future, you may require an MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging procedure. It is important that you alert your physician that you have an implanted Prometra pump. 

You can undergo an MRI with your implanted Prometra Pump, provided your doctor and MRI technician follow certain scanning conditions.  Always alert your doctor and technician well in advance of your MRI. If an MRI is required, your pump MUST be emptied of all medication prior to the MRI. Please review information here that outlines the specific instructions for having an MRI with the Prometra Pump.

After your procedure, you will be provided with a patient ID card and MRI bracelet, and these items should be kept with you at all times. Both the patient ID card and MRI bracelet provide important information about your Prometra pump to health care professionals. Provide a copy of your patient ID card to your physician and MRI technician prior to receiving an MRI. In an emergency situation, your MRI bracelet will provide information about your implanted Prometra pump and direct the medical professionals treating you on how to find detailed MRI safety information. Your MRI bracelet should be worn at all times and your patient ID card should be kept in your wallet or purse near your driver’s license or other forms of identification. 

Prometra Patient Guide MRI Information
Prometra II Patient Guide MRI Information