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Typical Pain Medication vs. Prometra® Drug Delivery

Typical Pain Medication vs. Prometra® Drug Delivery

Typical Pain Medication vs. Prometra® Drug Delivery 

Typical Pain Medication

Often, treatment for chronic pain management includes medication that is taken by mouth. This method of treatment can help some patients manage their chronic pain, but also has several disadvantages:

  • Oral medications take some time to work after they are taken, as they have to travel through the bloodstream before affecting the nerves, brain, and other parts of the body to relieve pain.
  • Oral medications may have several side effects, including drowsiness, confusion, nausea, constipation, and respiratory depression.
  • Oral medications must be remembered and taken by the patient at scheduled times
  • Over time, the body can become accustomed to its dosage, requiring higher doses to manage pain.

The Prometra Drug Delivery System

The Flowonix Prometra delivery system is implanted under the skin of the abdomen and connected to a narrow catheter that leads to a targeted area within your spinal cord. The device is filled with a prescribed amount of specialized pain medication. The system is then programmed by your physician to deliver a specific amount of medication at set times. There are several advantages to this targeted therapy over oral pain medication:

  • Medication is delivered to the fluid of the spinal cord, reducing the time between taking oral medication and waiting for it to take effect
  • Medication is automatically delivered, so the patient does not have to remember to take their medication
  • Many patients experience improvement in their everyday activities
  • Many patients find that they are able to reduce or eliminate their oral pain medications 

The Prometra drug delivery system has helped many patients have more active lifestyles. If you suffer from a chronic pain condition, use our physician locator to find a provider who performs the implantable drug delivery procedure or talk to your pain doctor about Prometra at your next appointment.